2024-2025 school year


  • Tuition:
    • Morning class:  $56,650 per annum (payable in 10 monthly installments)
    • Afternoon class:  $40,000 per annum (payable in 10 monthly installments)
  • School Hat: $135


  • Caterpillars (accompanied) $250 per session / $150 for accompanying siblings (no charge for siblings under 1).  Payable a term in advance.  Occasional drop ins $275.

Holiday Paint & Play

  • $250 per session / $150 for accompanying siblings (no charge for siblings under 1).


School fees are payable in full and in advance regardless of any leave your child takes during the school year.  Refunds are available with written notice as follows:

  • Kindergarten: Two months’ notice
  • Playgroup: One month’s notice