SKIP will follow advice from the Education Bureau regarding the suspension of classes during inclement weather. Please check the situation before leaving home:
- like our facebook page
- visit SKIP’s website
- call SKIP on 2791 7354
- visit the Hong Kong Observatory website
- visit the Education Bureau website
As a general guideline only, the following arrangements apply:
Rainstorm warnings
Amber: school open and running as normal
Red or Black:
Before class starts:
- Issued between 6am to 8am, morning classes will be cancelled.
- Issued between 10.30am to 1pm, afternoon classes will be cancelled
During sessions: The class will continue until the end of the session. You do NOT need to collect your child/leave before the end of the session.
Tropical Cyclones/Typhoons
Signal No. 1: School open and running as normal
Signal No. 3: School will be closed. If No. 3 or higher is hoisted during class times, you should collect your child as soon as possible.
Local Weather information can be found at www.hko.gov.hk